How are Winter Tyres Different from All-Season Tyres?

For places with different weather conditions, different tyres are needed to protect the vehicle from that place’s weather conditions. Winter tyres and summer tyres are built specifically to bear the harsh heat or cold and keep the car safe and efficient on the road.

Since rubber is a compound which is prone to change with the temperature change, the difference in the rubber material is mainly what is different in Winter tyres and All-Season tyres apart from a slight difference in their design.

The Difference in Rubber Compounds

Since Winter tyres are made for colder weathers, the rubber compound is made so that it hardens at a lower temperature than your regular tyre, making its performance good even in low temperatures while an all-season tyre becomes less efficient.

On the contrary, when the temperature rises, all-season tyres’ rubber remains hard and thus, is resistant to wear and tear, while winter tyres become soft and prone to wear and damage.

At 5°C or 42°F, the properties of both are quite similar, however, when the temperature drops or rises, the changes occur in both the tyres.

The Difference in Tread Designs

Alongside the difference in their rubber compounds, different tread patterns can also be seen in these tyres. Since regular road surfaces are so different from snowy or icy surfaces, the winter tyres have a unique tread pattern to them.

Winter tyres usually have narrow slits and tread sipes, that provide a biting edge, these features help the tyres get a better grip on the slippery surfaces, and reduce noise.

Whereas, all-season tyres have ribs that are separated by wider grooves as compared to the winter tyres. This is needed to increase the life of the tread, a quality much wanted by the consumers at Car Tyres Shrewsburyreduce noise and consume lesser fuel. The wider grooves are also present to let out the water from under the tread, a requirement that is only present in warmer climates.

How to tell them apart?

Usually, companies have different sections for their summer, all-season and winter tyres on their website. That way you can go to the desired section to browse the designs available. 

However, if that is not possible, you can also check the side of the tyre, if you can see a Three Peak Mountain Snowflake symbol, then the tyre is a winter tyre. This marking is exclusive to winter tyres, stating that it meets all traction requirements on snowy surfaces and is safe and efficient for use in cold areas.

All-season tyres, on the other hand, have M+S markings stating that they are unfit for use on colder roads.


Winter tyres and all-season tyres are quite different in terms of their rubber compounds and patterns, which makes them fir for two different climatic conditions. Using the wrong tyres in a harsh climate can lead to the damage of the tyre, reduced life of the tyre and even damage to the vehicle. But most importantly, it can be hazardous to your safety, especially using regular tyres for icy roads as they might cause skidding and slipping.

To prevent a situation like that, you can choose a tyre that fits your area’s climatic conditions best. 

But what if your area experiences strong heat in summers as well as snowfall in winters, which happens in quite a lot of areas? In that case, you should get your tyres changed with the onset of spring and fall to keep your tyres and your vehicle protected. Choosing the right tyre and their correct Tyres Fitting Shrewsbury are essential to achieve the peak performance of the vehicleand to get the best driving experience.


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